
Friday, March 18, 2005

How could it be any other number?

The idea of having triplets no longer seems unusual. We now seem to be thinking "How could it be any other number?".

Sure, it didn't start out that way. It seems like we went through different stages before we got to this point. We had prayed for children for a long time and the idea of having just one was something we had hoped for. When we first found out there were triplets, it was shocking. Disbelief was what we experienced.

From that point, the fear started. The mother was thinking "How can I carry three babies?" and the father was thinking "How are we going to afford this?". It was interesting to see how we came at the idea of triplets from different angles.

We seemed to move between disbelief and fear for a while. After that ran its course, we just laughed everytime we thought about triplets. The ideas we initially had about one baby started to change and we started thinking of everything in triplicate - cribs, car seats, high chairs....

After lots of different ideas and thankful prayers, we're now to the point that total acceptance has set in. We still get comments like "Three? Are you kidding?" or "What are you going to do with three babies?", but they don't seem to phase us anymore. It seems unnatural now to think about not having three babies at once.

1 comment:

Crazy Working Mom said...

Wow x 3!!!

Congrats. I am 20 weeks pregnant with ONE little boy. This will be our second child. My little girl will be a couple monts from being 3 when this one arrives, I can imagine the shock value of triplets.

Best of luck!