
Friday, July 08, 2005

The Birth Announcements

Last Wednesday, June 29, we reported to the hospital for the scheduled C-section. It was a relatively smooth day and the babies were born at the scheduled time. The babies actually were born in the order they had been monitored in my belly - A, B and then C. Baby A, codename "Little Man", was born at 11:30am with a weight of 4 lbs 9.8 oz and a length of 19 inches. Baby B, codename "Squeaky", was born at 11:31am with a weight of 4 lbs 5.4 oz and a length of 18 inches. Baby C, codename "Blondie", was born at 11:32am with a weight of 3 lbs 14.5 oz and a length of 16 1/2 inches.

For four days, I stayed in the hospital recovering from my C-section. On Sunday, we came home with Squeaky. On Tuesday, Little Man was discharged and came home with us. We're still waiting on Blondie to come home. She is currently scheduled to come home with us this Tuesday. We're just trying to wait patiently on her arrival. Because she was the smallest baby, she has had some problems maintaining her body weight and has had a few episodes with her heartrate and oxygen levels decreasing. At this point, she is doing better, and if that continues she'll be home with us soon.

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